While biotic interactions have major influences on ecosystem, Biggs et al. argue that the abiotic environment constrains the biotic interactions playing a greater role in ecosystem. "An organism must be able to survive, grow and reproduce under a given set of abiotic conditions, before the habitat defined by those conditions can be considered viable for that species." Abiotic conditions are the non-living chemical and physical factors in the environment as opposed to the biotic which is the living component of a community. Over evolutionary time species gradually adapt to specific habitats both abioticly and bioticly . These abiotic environments act as evolutionary forces that drive the development of different sets of traits. These forces are not static, and are extremely variable in both time and space. These forces can be climatic such as rain, wind, flooding, and flow variability.
Biggs et. al, punished work in River Research and Applications (River Res. Applic. 21: 283–298, 2005) linking flow variability to the lotic ecosystem structure and function. Having a study area of New Zealand and focusing on rivers with a ranging difference in flow variability, they show that temporal variations in flow strongly influences the functional processes and structures of lotic ecosystems. They hypothesized that the lotic ecosystem is sensitive to flow variability at temporal scales, but also sensitive on scale of magnitude. They show that "infrequent, but high magnitude flow variations influence lotic ecosystem structure and function at high system levels (i.e. communities) through drag processes (resulting in ‘drag-disturbance’) whereas more frequent, but lower magnitude events influence ecosystem structure and function more through mass-transfer processes (controlling growth of individuals)."
Biggs et. al. believes that ecological effects of horological variability follow a hierarchically principles, with effects of flow variation on communities by large scale events and event effects at lower levels with smaller scale flow variations. They hypothesize that flow variability is the underlying reason for the temporal and spatial patterns of biological characteristic are different scales in the lotic ecosystem.
They conclude that "high energy flow events are generally catastrophic to lotic ecosystem structure and function for periods of time that vary depending on the resistance and resilience of the different populations."
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